Build a House

Due to a forthcoming publication agreement, games are not currently available for play. Check back for updates soon!
1FullJustin Freeman

Guy is an ordinary man on an ordinary mission: to build a house and marry his sweetheart, Hope. But simple as the task may seem, Guy finds it to be an impossible goal. Try as he might to stay out of trouble, Guy runs into every hurdle imaginable, from trigger-happy cops to crowds of rioting citizens.

This RPG is a satirical take on the classic building-and-life simulation, in which the player focuses less on life-building and more on jumping through hoops. The game lampoons overbearing government bureaucrats, crony capitalists, and everything in between.

So, do you have what it takes? Will you end up a lonely homeless beta-male, or will you BUILD A HOUSE?

Patience Is a Virtue

Justin F. | 12/01/2022

We are still hard at work on Build a House! There is some bad news though: 2022 has been a busy year, and the game isn't going to be finished in time for the anticipated release date. Instead, we're planning to launch the game next year. The good news is that Build a House is going to be worth the wait, and to satisfy the appetite of those who are waiting patiently for the game's release, we've got a video of new Build a House game footage! We've made big progress and plan to make more. When Build a House is finally released, it won't disappoint!

Raising Funds for Build A House!

Justin F. | 05/12/2022

It's been a while since our last post because we've been hard at work on making our newest game Justin Freeman's Build A House!. In fact, we've been making big progress. The game is about 40% finished, and we're still on track to launch at the end of the year.

That said, development takes considerable effort, and that takes considerable funds. For that reason, we're launching an IndieGoGo campaign to ensure that Justin Freeman's Build A House becomes a reality. Right now, you can pre-register to make a donation and get cool prizes!

Thanks for your support! Have fun gaming!

Introducing Build a House

Justin F. | 12/31/2021

For the last several months we've been quietly toiling away, and now we're ready to announce our most ambitious project to date: Build a House.

Slated for release in 2022, Build a House is a satirical RPG which follows the misadventures of Guy, an ordinary millenial whose only goal is to build a house so that he can marry his beloved Hope. Guy finds though that the system is slanted against him. Look forward to more to come as we continue to develop Build a House!